Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Transmitter Tweaks

Hunter Gillies, of Perth Radio Sailing, produced this guide going through all the steps for setting up an FS-I6 and I6X transmitter:

FS-6i Programming for Winch and Rudder Control
[opens in new tab]

I also found a way of doing it on the Flysky ST8's, which use conditions which are hierarchial - so flicking a second switch overrides the options from the first switch :(
For adjusting steering sensitivity and range, we use CONITIONS and RATE/CURVE, from the MDL Set menu:
  • In the CONDITIONS menu option, set CONDITIONS2 to SWD (switch 'D' on the right)
    ST8 Conditions
  • In the RATE/CURVE menu option, with switch 'D' up ('normal' power on postion - screen shows 'C1' in a circle), I set the rate to 60% and the curve (EXP) to -100 - this gives less sensitivity for small stick movements and limits the rudder angle
    ST8 C1
  • Flick the switch down, and the screen should now show 'C2', I set the rate to 100% (max rudder angle) but also the curve (EXP) to -100 - this still softens the initial movements of the rudder
    ST8 C2


For the sheet, we use a spare channel and mixer option, from the GENERAL menu:

  • In the AUX CH menu option, set CH5 to SWA (switch 'A' on the left)
    ST8 Aux1

  • In the MIXES menu option, set MIX1 to ON
    ST8 Mixes

  • In the MIX1 menu page, with SWA in the 'normal' (up) position, and the sail stick set for sails right in, set the SWITCH field to SWA
    Set the master channel (M) to CH5 and the slave channel (S) to CH3
    Set NOR to 100%, REV to 0% and OFFSET to -10%; it is the offset that is reducing the endpoint (may be slightly different on your controller)
    Flicking SWA, you should see the master change form one side to the other, and the end point of the slave reduce slightly
    ST8 Mix off                ST8 Mix on


If you want this the other way round, SWA up for out and down for in, try setting NOR to -10%, REV to 100% and OFFSET to 0%

Hope this helps!


Links out to the DF Racing UK website, and page for the latest versions:

DF95 Class rules

DF65 Class rules


DF65 Tuning Guide

Courtesy of Phil Burgess, Sydney Australia

DF95 Tuning Guide

Courtesy of Phil Burgess, Sydney Australia